The impact of stress on me…

There are reasons why I post anonymously.  Why I don’t promote my posts on social media.

I want to have good conversations with others who found me, and stuck around to talk.

I want to be able to talk (write) openly, and honestly, without holding back, and even then, sometimes it’s hard.

I don’t do stress.

I’m not looking for recognition, I’m not writing a book or wishing to speak publicly.  I’m not against people sharing my post to their friends, family, or to their group on their blog, facebook, twitter.  I also hope that whatever post they shared, sparks good honest conversations in their circles.

I just don’t want attention from people on a wide scale…I’m not looking for stats on a post to go crazy, because that stresses me out.

I am hoping that something that I say, will help someone else.  Whether that something makes them go into adoption with eyes wide open, or understand a bit about what it is like to be adopted, and that something helps them at a time they need it most…

One reason I started blogging was to learn how to write again.  To learn how to write sentences in the proper word sequence.  To be able to write in a way that explains to the reader what I’m trying to say.  It took a lot of practice, I am getting there on most days.  Best way to undo all that progress I’ve made?  Cause me stress.  Stress strips me of words.  I can’t form a complete sentence when I’m stressed, it’s hard to just put two words together.

I don’t do stress.  I run away from stress.  I shut down when I’m stressed.  STRESS is very, very bad for me.  Someone chose to cause me stress, for their gain.

I’m here now, instead of the blog I called home. TAO

6 thoughts on “The impact of stress on me…

  1. I’m very sorry, TAO. You had every right to enjoy your home in peace.
    I had someone do the same to me on my blog. Then someone called my truth a lie, and another someone called me a martyr (I believe they meant I was writing about our story just to get attention). It has thrown a big, cold bucket of water on my writing publicly. I’ve been scared to write, or rather, post anything. I am glad you are here, and you are not letting this someone stop you from writing. I look forward to many “good and honest conversations”.


    • I went and read ‘those’ conversations yesterday via FireFox – for some reason my IE (the one I use) doesn’t allow me to comment or even see comments on your blog. They were terrible and wrong – and as you know I have lost a son to death. Your post(s) were fine…

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